
Replace Or Repair Your Water Heater? 7 Important Considerations.

When it comes to your home's comfort, few appliances are as crucial as your water heater. However like any other appliance, water heaters have a lifespan.

The burning question with water heater issues is: should you replace or repair your water heater?

In this article, we'll explore 7 factors to consider when making this decision, ensuring you make an informed choice that best suits your needs and budget.

1. Age of the Water Heater

One of the primary factors influencing your decision is the age of your water heater. On average, most water heaters have a lifespan of over 10 years or more with proper maintenance.

If your water heater is new and below 5 years, repairing it might be a cost-effective solution.

If your water heater is approaching the end of its expected lifespan, go for a replacement. Older water heaters often become less efficient, leading to higher energy bills. They are also more prone to leaks, which can result in bigger damages.

2. Condition of the Water Heater

If your system is experiencing minor issues, it makes sense to do a quick repair of the heater. Examples of minor issues:

Whistling, high pitched sounds:  The relief valve is an external safety feature fixed on the cold water pipe. When faulty, it will make noise. It is easily replaced. 

Leaking pipes: can be solved by simply tightening joints.

Power trips: If your water trips often, your thermostat may be faulty. Faulty thermostats are an easy fix
If the water heater is facing a major breakdown, it is better to replace it. Examples of a major breakdown:

Tank leak: If a heater's internal tank is leaking, there is nothing a repairman can do to fix it. Replace the entire system quickly or the leak will get worse and lead to more damages.

Is your heater leaking now? Here Are 6 Things You Need to Do Right Away.

3. Repair Costs vs. Replacement Costs

Another crucial factor in your decision-making process is comparing the repair costs to the cost of a new water heater.

Low repair cost: If the repair is minor and won't break the bank, it might make sense to opt for a repair. Anything below $150 is considered a minor repair.

High repair cost: If your repair estimate is significant and approaches or even exceeds the cost of a new water heater, it's time to think about replacing the unit. In such cases, investing in a new water heater can provide peace of mind and potentially save you money in the long run.

4. Was it a Low Cost Unit?

An important question to ask yourself is how much your heater cost versus the repair works.

If your heater was a super low cost $200, don't spend too much effort repairing it. You will get more value investing in a new and more advanced heater.

5. Were You the Original Owner?

If this heater is from a pre-owned property, you should replace the heater. Unless you are certain of its condition and regular maintenance, it is not advisable to re-use it.

Also, many warranties don't cover second hand owners.

Regular Maintenance is Crucial to Disinfecting Your Heater. 

6. How Efficient is the Heater?

Modern water heaters are significantly more energy-efficient than their older counterparts. If your current water heater is an outdated, low efficiency model, a replacement can lead to substantial long-term savings on your energy bills.

Newer heaters are designed to meet higher energy efficiency standards, which means they heat water more effectively and consume less energy in the process.

Choosing an energy-efficient water heater not only benefits your wallet but also reduces your environmental footprint.

7. Have You Asked an Expert?

While the factors mentioned above provide a general guideline for your decision-making process, it's essential to consult with a heater specialist before making the final choice.

Specialists have the expertise to assess your heater, pointing out factors you may have missed. They can also give you a tailored solution, with recommendations to upgrade or downsize your heater to suit your household's current usage.

Together, these will help you make an informed choice.

In Conclusion..

Whether you should replace or repair your water heater depends on several critical factors.

If in doubt, just ask a heater specialist. Seeking advice won't cost you a cent. Why not speak to us? Our friendly water heater team is ready to give you some free advice over WhatsApp Chat. By making an informed decision, you can enjoy a reliable source of hot water with peace of mind. 

Replace or Repair Heater FAQ

Are burning smells normal?
A burning smell is an sign of wiring issues. Either the wiring is too old or too thin.

Either way, you are at a risk of a short circuit that may lead to fires. Re-wire your electric track or change the water heater for your safety.
At AOS Bath, we understand how crucial it is to have a functional heater, especially if you have infants or elderly at home. While our standard procedure involves requesting clients to provide us with at least one week’s advance notice for heater replacements, we also recognise that certain situations may be more urgent.

Under critical circumstances, we will make every effort to accommodate your request for a same-day heater replacement. Please keep in mind that same-day replacements may be subject to availability, and our team will need to assess the specific situation to determine if it can be arranged. To request a same-day heater replacement, please contact our customer service team as soon as possible, and we will do our utmost to assist you promptly.
The cost of replacing a heater in Singapore typically ranges from $500 to $1500, with the final price depending on factors such as the type and size of the heater chosen. If the installation location is above a false ceiling, additional charges of approximately $300 may apply due to the increased complexity of the ceiling works, which usually involve the need for two skilled professionals to handle the replacement and installation.

Fortunately, most installation services also include disposal of the old heater, providing a comprehensive solution for homeowners.
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AOS Bath Team