
3 Reasons to Set Your Temperature to 50°C

Photo by Aaron Lee on Unsplash

This article is meant for users of digital and heat pump water heaters – because you can control your heater thermostat from your control panels.

Upon getting your digital heater, users naturally set the temperature at 38 to 40°C, their ideal shower temperature. Do not do this! You should set your temperature to 50°C instead. Here are 3 good reasons why.

1. Prevent bacteria, keep your family safe

Although 38 to 40 degrees might seem like a high temperature to us, it is not sufficient to kill a certain type of Legionella bacteria. Users should set their heaters to 50°C to prevent bacteria development.
The legionella bacteria is a rare strain in Singapore as our waters are relatively clean, but it is better to be safe than sorry!

Useful tip: to do a thorough ‘detox’ for your heater, you may set your heater temperature to 70°C for 15 minutes every 6 months.

2. Prevent heat loss, save money

Most traditional electric heaters are preset at 70°C by the factory and this setting cannot be changed by the user unless you have a digital control panel.

The reason for the high setting of 70°C is to accommodate users living in colder climates, where the incoming cold water temperature is 10°C. The cold water needs to be balanced out with sufficient hot water at the mixer point so users get a comfortable temperature.
In warmer countries like Singapore, setting at 70°C is unnecessary as our incoming cold water temperature is a high 30°C. A 70°C body of water will lose heat to the environment at a quicker rate than a 50°C body of water. In short, that just means setting at 70°C makes our money evaporate quicker. So set your heater at 50°C to avoid this.

3. Preheated water, a better shower experience

Why it is good to preheat their water in the tank?
  • Get hot water FAST: Just like in a 5-star hotel where you turn on the lever and get hot water immediately.
  • HIGH hot water pressure: If hot water is ready for you to use, it can power up that rain shower beautifully for your refreshing, invigorating shower.
  • Won't run out: Its TERRIBLE to run out of hot water mid way through a shower. Pre heating ensures you get all the hot water you need, on time.

Set to the Magic 50ºC, Forget at Your own RISK!

So, always remember to set your thermostat to 50°C, that is the magic temperature for optimal enjoyment and safety!
  1. Prevent bacteria
  2. Prevent heat loss (save money)
  3. Preheated water (good shower experience)
Now go and enjoy your hot showers in peace!
Picture of Amanda


I love turning complex water heating into easy, engaging knowledge. Learning should be fun!