
AOS Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water Filter

Reverse Osmosis is a Scientifically Proven Filtration Method. Get the Cleanest Water for Your Home. RO Removes the Finest Particles in Your Water.

RO Water filter.

GPT GPT on the Wall, Which is the Cleanest Water Filter of Them All?

ChatGPT will tell you it is Reverse Osmosis.

Ever heard of Hydrogen water? What about alkaline water? They used to be all the rage.. the buzz word on every one's lips. How many times have I heard that I Absolutely MUST drink alkaline water to get better mineral absorption? Countless!

But this is suspicious.. I don't see 'Hydrogen' or 'Alkaline' appear anywhere on ChatGPT...

It seems like they were just marketing labels. If you want a real water filter, it is time to cut out the marketing and get straight to the facts.

Our Government Has Been Clamping Down on Misleading Filter Ads!!

Have you ever heard that the water you drink can help:
- prevent osteoporosis
- fix acid reflux
- regulate blood pressure
- cure diabetes

These people are selling Miracle Water!! No wonder!! Many Singaporeans have paid well over $3500++ because they believed in these promises.

I get really angry thinking about this. Many of these victims are nice aunties who were too trusting. It could happen to your relative, or even your own mother.

What is Reverse Osmosis?

Most water filters sold in Singapore use only micro filtration and ultra filtration. These are basic water filters. If you pour water over these filters, water flows through easily.

Reverse osmosis (RO) is an extra step AFTER these two filters. RO is an extra-fine filter. It is so fine, that water won't just flow through it. You need to force the water through.

The RO filter is a super fine sieve that only lets pure water molecules pass through. All the dirt, chemicals, metals and even tiny germs are pushed out.

Why haven't I heard of it?
Reverse Osmosis is an advanced technology. Anyone can make a water filter, but RO filters can only be made by a few factories.

Toxicologist: Reverse Osmosis Removes the MOST Contaminants

Recently, I watched an deep dive interview with a toxicologist. It's a great interview but a word of warning - it's a bit depressing. Toxic chemicals and microplastics seem to be everywhere these days!!

You can catch the interview on YouTube, but it is 2 hours long. So, TLDR (too-long-didn't-read): She listed Water Filters as one of the best things you can do for your home. Unlike many normal filters out there, Reverse Osmosis Filters can remove nasties like flouride and heavy metals.

Surely There is a Downside to Reverse Osmosis?

Of course, there is a downside to everything! Let's explore it. Many water filters in Singapore are quite convenient. The idea is simple: Tap water in, filtered water out.

But if you want cleaner water, you need to power up! Reverse Osmosis is a higher level filter that needs electricity to run. For these fine filters, you need power to push water through.

What Else Do I Need to Provide for the RO Filter?

That's a good question. Besides power, you need a drainage point. Because the filter is fixed under the sink, you can tap into the sink drainage. It is easy!

Check out the yellow arrow to see how this is done.

Why does RO need a drainage?
When water passes through an RO filter, not all of it flows through. Some water always gets rejected. This means that for every cup of clean water you get, you must sacrifice some dirty water.

Let's Talk About the Other Disadvantage: Waste Water

Hang tight, this is going to shock you!! A LOT of dirty water gets sacrificed so you can get get ONE glass of Pure RO Water!!! The ratio is 3:1. That is, 3 whole glasses of water are thrown out for you to get ONE precious cup of water.

There certainly is a price for everything - and this price goes up as you get closer to perfection. While many other filters get your water 96% clean, RO goes close to 99.9%. That is the price you pay for excellence.

Waste water is one of the reasons why RO is expensive to run. Don't just look at the upfront cost when you make a decision. At at average price of $2k per unit, RO filters aren't that expensive compared to other water filters. But their running cost is higher.

AOS RO filters are Different! They SAVE 75% instead of wasting 75%.

While normal Reverse Osmosis filters waste 75% of water, our filters do the reverse and SAVE us 75%. Through many years of research, AOS has increased their efficiency of RO filters. How?

When water streams through a very fine RO filter, 75% of water molecules pass through quickly and get 'rejected'. Through some clever engineering, AOS has managed to re-filter this rejected 75% again, and AGAIN. The logic is similar to this: If I can extend the time the water is in the filter from 1 second to 3 seconds, I can max out my filtration effectiveness!!

And they did it by creating a special filter which made the water loop around several times. It was a genius idea!! Till today, AOS RO filter holds the patent for the highest water retention rate of 75%.

Filter Size Matters. Why?

Compared to RO filters, many water filters sold in Singapore are not so much filters as they are water dispensers. Why is that?

The average size of a normal water filter is the size of the dotted box: 18 x 7cm. Shown in this picture are the 3 AOS water filters. The smallest filter alone is 36 x 10cm. Just the size of the filter is enough to tell you how much more filtration is going on in the whole system.

Most people these days are buying water dispensers with a filter feature. The filters in these systems are small because the main features of a dispenser are: the temperature you can set your water to, and the system looks good on the countertop.

A dedicated water filter does not focus on dispenser features. It's main objective is to purify your water.

RO Filters are Bigger, Heavy Duty Filters, But This is How They Save Space.

Unlike dispensers, RO filters are installed under the sink, and don't take up precious countertop space. You can get freshly filtered water directly from a tap.

The tap allows you to fill pots of RO water for food prep, like for soup. Since we often reheat food, the last thing you want is trace metals, in your food. RO helps to remove that.

The Main Difference Between Tankless and Tank RO Filters?

Both the filters are RO filters.. But why is there a difference of $800 between the tankless and tank system?

• more advanced, filters water faster
• water filtered on demand, no need tank
sleeker design takes up less space.

• less advanced, filters water slower.
• slow filter, needs tank to store filtered water
• 3 lit built in tank

There is ONE More Factor You Need to Consider Between Tank vs Tankless. Refills!

• DIY (do-it-yourself) change
• Max out useful life, use each filter till 0%

• Needs professional to change filters
• Once every 12-16 months

The filter refills work out to be about the same cost over 4 years. The main benefit is that you can use the DIY cartridges till it each reaches 0%. You can save a little there!

It Has Never Been Easier: DIY Your Water Filter Refills!

Post covid, we've gotten more efficient. You can now change your filters at home, on your own. This will save you precious time! No need to make a service appointment.

Each filter as a microchip that notes your water usage. Lower use means longer lifespan. You can max out each filter till end of its useful life. Change only when it is at 0%!

Follow this full video guide:

Get Zero Waste: Each Light Indicator Tells You Exactly When it is at 0%

Use the 3 separate light indicator to your advantage! You can wait till the very end to change the refill. Only change at 0%!

This is a great advantage over water dispensers. Many water dispensers don't give you an indication of useful life. Because they are not specialised filters, they are not designed to track your actual usage.

Most dispensers are fitted with countdown timers that beep at a fixed 6 months or 1 year. That means regardless of whether you are a family of 2 or family of 5, you need to change you filters after a set time.

Light Indicator at the Tap

There are filter light indicators at both the tap and water filter body. This is useful for you. You don't have to keep opening your sink cabinet door to check if your RO filter is doing fine. You can tell from the tap!

Both MAX4 (tankless) and AR75 (tank) have the same dispenser tap.

White – Normal
Orange – 5% life
Red – 0% life
Saw rave reviews and took the plunge. Bought the 40L Digital Water Heater, pre-filter and RO Water Filter. The water heater works like a charm, fuss free and quick to heat up. The technicians are professional and installed the water piping for the filters neatly and did a good job. Highly recommended!
Pablo Pabla
Google review
Their service is really on point. When u go over to their showroom, they will explain to you every products over there and they will let u to decide. They wont push u to buy their most expensive/products. Even when you whatsapp them to enquire, they always will reply and answer ur queries. All b there for u.
Shuk Shukriah
Google review

There Are TONS of Different Filters Out There!
What is the Difference?

We Make it Easy to Understand.
All Filters are Ranked by their Micron Rating.

What is Micon Rating?

Micron ratings give you the size of particles a filter can catch. The lower a micron rating, the smaller the particles are.

An easy way to think of it:
• 20 microns = sand and dirt
• 5 microns = dust
• 0.5 microns = microscopic particles, bacteria

Ignore the Fancy Filter Name. Most of What You Need to Know is in the Micron Rating!!

Nanoplus, SuperCarbon, MicroUV - whatever. These are all just marketing names for filters. Your job is to remain focused and find out the micron rating. As a guide:

• Sediment filters = 5 to 20 microns
• Carbon filters = 0.5 to 5 microns
• Ultra filters = 0.01 microns
• Reverse Osmosis filters = 0.0001 microns

Why Bother With Sediment Filters When We Can Just Use RO?

We need to protect the RO filter. Because it's pores are so tiny, it can clog easily.

Sediment filters do the heavy lifting. They get the coarse impurities out of the way. This allows RO to focus on fine filtration.

Using the right filter at the right time will prolong its lifespan. You don't want to keep changing the RO filter because it is the most advanced and most expensive refill in the system.

How Often Should I Change the RO Filter?

Normal RO filters (AR75) last one year. MAX4 RO filters can last up to four times longer - 4 years!! Saving you more money. How?
All RO filters are exposed to VERY high pressures. Water rips through its delicate membrane every second. The MAX4 RO filters are a different, patented filter. They change the water flow direction so it flows in a circular manner. This innovation reduces the water pressure and extends the lifespan. The wonders of technology!

Want an Inside Look at the Contents of a Carbon Filter?

We took one apart to show you.. Are you surprised? It's not a sheet of filters! Instead, you find tiny little carbon grains inside. Together, these grains have a large surface area.

On the surface of each carbon grain are pores. Pores can trap dirt, but the best thing is it traps Chlorine.

In Singapore, our tap water has a high level of chlorine. Fresh out of a swimming pool, you'll feel the effects of chlorine right away. Dried out hair, skin and nails. If you swim every day, you may even have discoloured hair!

This is why carbon filters are important for SG!

Another Benefit of the Water Filters? Self Cleaning!

These RO filters have an automatic self cleaning feature. Great for busy families who want to let a system run on its own. No need for you to try and remember when to clean! No need to assign a person to clean it!

It is always best to make technology work to our advantage.

Self-cleaning takes place after an electric reset, or for every half and hour of continuous use. Your water filter stays clean, always ready for next person's use.

AR75 - Get This if You are Looking for a No Frills RO Water Filter.

Small family of about 4? Office use? We love the AR75. In fact, this is the model we use in our own office pantry. We get great flow rate, zero wait times, and wonderful water.

We are not worried about filling in large pots of water for soup. And our use is nicely staggered. Not everyone rushes to get a class of water or make tea at the same time.

If this sounds like how you would use the RO filter at home too, then this no frills model is good enough for you. Being practical is key here.

I've Heard Drinking RO Water Long Term is Bad Because it Doesn't Contain Essential Minerals.. How True is this?

The best way to go about this is to ASK CHATGPT!!

Here's what you need to know.

RO lacks minerals compared to tap water... but we get most of our minerals from FOOD, not water. Our food loving culture in Singapore takes care of that VERY WELL.

We probably suffer from more obesity than underweight problems right? Everyone wants to lose more weight!!

Instead of worrying about minerals, we should focus on consuming more leafy greens, fruits and nuts for nutrients.

Does RO Water Leach Minerals From Our Bodies?

ChatGPT says there is no evidence to support this. RO water does not 'pull' minerals from your body.

This misconception comes from studies on distilled water. If drank distilled water in HUGE quantities... it may mildly disrupt electrolyte balance in some people.

We are not camels. 3 to 4 lit of water a day is ideal and poses no health risks. Hmmm... Come to think of it, on most days.. I don't even know if I have the time to drink three...

Is RO Water too Acidic and Aggressive?

RO water is slightly acidic because minerals have been removed. if tap water is pH 7.0, we can expect RO water to be pH 6.0 to 6.5.

Did you know that without thinking too much about it, we drink stuff that is much more acidic than water? Every now and that, we love a Coke Classic!

Bottom line is.. regardless of the acidity of drinks we consume, our body keeps our pH levels in tight balance through homeostasis.

WOW! PUB Uses Reverse Osmosis too??

PUB has been known to use Reverse Osmosis and Desalination to treat water in Singapore!!

These are expensive processes which require a lot of investment. Providing an ample supply of clean and safe water for us is certainly a top priority!

What do Other Countries Do to Purify Their Water?

Most developed countries use coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, filtration, and disinfection to treat their waters.

From the video, you'll see that these are the same steps we take before putting the water through RO. Not every country is lucky enough to get to the RO stage.

Tips: Water Filter Change

DIY Filter Change
After changing filter 1, 2 or 3, let water run from the filter tap for 1 min.
Do not let filter tap run over 20 min or this will cause ‘leak protection’ to be activated and system will shut down.

Product Specifications

Rated volume produced7500 litre5000 litre
TankTankless2.5 litre tank
Filter 1 (8-12 Months) $118
Filter 2 (8-12 Months) $105
Filter 3 (40-48 Months) $299
$287/12-16 Months
Size (mm)140 (W) x 430 (H) x 445 (D)260 (W) x 420 (H) x 410 (D)
Power (W)10725
Voltage, Hz220V, 50-60Hz220V, 50-60Hz
Filtration rate1800 ml/min196 ml/min
Water supply pressure (MPa)0.10 – 0.350.10 – 0.35
Weight (kg)15.511.0
Warranty1 year1 year